Wednesday, March 18, 2009


are just a bunch of clouds
high up there
changing and smiling at me

it must be fun just doing this
being there
being here
being nowhere

It must be good just doing this
to appear
to disappear
to just be near

so close to heart
so close to me

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wind and wind and wound up over everything~

Attention readers of this orbiting satellite:

The above is just a line taken from a song by Kings of Leon. I have taken a liking to this song for some strange reason. It's just nice to listen to in such a quiet Saturday afternoon. To add, it has inspired me to write some random random thoughts today.

Wind and wind and wound up over everything~ I guess I'm trapped in my own web of imaginations, my world of dreams, world of possibilities, seamless and endless journey.

This is the time to make time
this is the moment to seize
this is just the way it is

Optimism could be overtaken by unnecessary worries sometimes~

Wake up with a smile.

Sleep like a baby..

Dream like you never had before..!