Saturday, January 31, 2009

Living on Music

I've been doing nothing much with faculty of mine, apart from overloading it with legal jargons and concepts which I have never been accustomed to all these while.

In between, I live on music. It fills my vault. It feeds my emotions. It eases my pain. It gets me by.

Is this it? Is this enough? 

Well, when you lose something, you have to substitute it with something else.

My guess is... you are probably doing the same.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

4 again

No No NO

This Can't be it

This Can't be it

for what it is

it's just not what it should be

I hear it
I feel it
I want it
I long for it

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

At your 4

If it's that easy
If it's that simple
I'll do it
I'll go with it

It'll be good
In fact more than you could expect
More than you could ever imagine
'cause it is almost perfect

True that
It could be just coffee
Pure music
Pure nothing
It's still beautiful

It's still beautiful

Pure music
Pure nothing
It's still beautiful
It's just perfect